Love Yourself... Diet

Love Yourself... Diet
Matzo ball soup, guacamole and chips—these are the foods I eat when I’m in the mood to celebrate. I drown my sorrows with Ben & Jerry’s Coffee Heath Bar Crunch. And when I’ve taken too many trips to the freezer and too few to the gym, I punish myself by withholding the foods I love. Like a lot of women I know, my relationship with food is complicated: I look to it more for joy, solace, companionship (even repentance!) than for nourishment. But I’m learning that it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t need to starve yourself—or beat yourself up for not starving yourself—to lose weight. Instead, discover how to nurture yourself and create a healthier, happier relationship with food—and your body.

LOVE-YOURSELF STRATEGY: Learn to eat mindfully.
To kick the habit of overeating, turn your attention toward food rather than away from it. When you sit down to eat, relish each morsel. Notice the color, shape, texture, and aroma, as well as the taste. If you’re eating with friends or family, talk about how the meal was made and where it comes from. Even when indulging in a fast-food meal, take it home and enjoy it properly: Put it on a plate and eat with cutlery by candlelight!
How it helps: Mindfulness, which can include deep breathing and meditation, helps you become more aware of the reasons you’re eating, says Jeffrey Greeson, Ph.D., a health psychologist at Duke Integrative Medicine. “Often we eat not because we’re hungry but because we’re stressed, frustrated, or bored.” Mindfulness lets you catch impulses as they crop up and teaches you to sit with difficult feelings and respond to them in a healthy way instead of using food as a buffer. It can also make eating more satisfying, which may help you eat less.
Get started: Start today with a shopping trip to your favorite market. Choose foods that delight your senses—juicy fruits, colorful vegetables, and high-quality chocolate. Once back in your kitchen, take the time to prepare a meal that looks and tastes appealing.

LOVE-YOURSELF STRATEGY: Savor low-density foods.
Forget the idea that to lose weight you have to feel hungry all the time. Instead of depriving yourself, satisfy yourself with low-energy-density foods like fruits and vegetables, wholegrain breads, and broth-based soups; they’re filling without being high in calories or fat.
How it helps: In a one-year study of 97 obese women (conducted by Barbara Rolls, a nutrition researcher at Pennsylvania State University and creator of the Volumetrics Eating Plan), those who filled their plates with low-density foods ate more but still lost 3.3 pounds more than those who ate less and restricted fat. In separate studies, Rolls and colleagues found that women who ate a large green salad or a bowl of broth-based soup before a meal consumed fewer calories than those who went straight to the main course.
Get started: Create meals around legumes, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, and when shopping for packaged foods, learn to check the labels. A food has a low-energy density if the number of calories is lower than its weight in grams. (For example, one half cup of black beans weighs 130 grams but contains only 100 calories, so it’s considered a low-density food.)

LOVE-YOURSELF STRATEGY: Embrace complex carbs.
Simple carbs like white flour, refined sugar, and white rice spike your blood sugar and leave you hungry soon after you eat. For a more satisfying meal, choose complex carbs like brown rice, beans, non-starchy veggies (leafy greens, peppers, and cucumbers), whole-grain pastas and breads, and most fruits; they’re all low on the glycemic index, meaning the sugars are absorbed more slowly into your bloodstream, keeping blood sugar steady.
How it helps: Researchers at Harvard University found that obese patients who lost weight by eating foods low on the glycemic index reported less hunger and kept off the weight longer than those who lost weight on a typical low-fat diet.

The Worst Jeans For Girls With A Booty

jeans for girl with a bootie
Girls with big butts rock. And I’m not talking about Nicki Minaj or Kim Kardashian (although they are good celebrity spokespeople for the big booty movement–have you SEEN Nicki’s “Anaconda” video yet?!); I’m talking about us regular girls who’ve got big, wide hips and buns that are phat–with a “ph.” We’ve got curves. We’re not obese (you can be size 2 and have a butt!), in fact, some of us work out a LOT (ahem, Jen Selter). We’re known among friends for our particular “shape.” We’ve all had to tailor our jeans at some point (wtf is that extra jean material at the lower back?!). We’ve been the subject of catcalling since age 13 (men can spot a big butt a mile away, can’t they?). We’ve got drawers and drawers of long tank tops and shirts. We know who we are.
So, with jeans season fast approaching, we’ve got to start thinking about squeezing our a$$es in to pants, which is one of the biggest challenges for us big booty girls. Not because we don’t look hot in jeans–we do–but because off-the-rack pairs rarely fit us perfectly (why do you think Kim Kardashian gets all her pairs custom tailored?).  I’ve had to order up a size and then have the waist tailored, or the length shortened because of all the extra material bunching up around the ankle (I might be a size 30, but I’m not 6 ’3″–okay, Seven for all Mankind?! ).I’ve bought jeans with embellished back pockets thinking it would make my butt look smaller (by camouflaging it?? IDK, I was much more insecure then) only to find that the opposite was true. It was until I was in my late 20s and writing about fashion full time that I learned what looks best on me–and what doesn’t. And now I’m here to share that wisdom with you.
Jeans with pockets flaps
I love the look of Hudson Jeans, but their signature back pocket flaps are just not made for girls with big butts. As I mentioned, I initially thought they would sort of camouflage or cover up my butt (I considered it my “trouble area”), and I think this is a common misconception. I’m not going to go off on why I think “trouble areas” are B.S. (what you consider a trouble area is what makes you unique–embrace it!), but I will say that trying to cover up your butt is not something a proud big booty girl would do, or a particularly good styling trick. Always try to accentuate your, um, assets with a pocketless jean with a seamless rear end (the fewer bells and whistles back there, the better). The key is to show your own natural shape, not some denim construction by the designer. Extra fabric, buttons, flaps, etc., are just going to make it look more crowded back there.
Boyfriend jeans
It’s ironic that the most forgiving/relaxed jeans style is actually the least flattering for girls with a specific type of big butt–the saggy, low-hanging one–but it’s true. If your big butt is high and tight you might be able to make it work, but girls with a low bum shouldn’t waist their hard-earned money on a pair of boyfriend jeans that make them look dumpy (sorry, I hate that word, but it is the best descriptor in this case). I have made this mistake before, and the boyfriend jean isn’t the only time I’ve been suckered in to buying a denim trend (pastels, super low rise, etc) that was actually the worst for my body. Which brings me to…
Super low rise
Plumber’s crack is never cute. And that is pretty much the only reason super low rise jeans are on this list. I remember when Seven jeans first came out, I was totally in to the wash (and spending $125 of my babysitting money on a “designer pair”). I thought the fit was great, but looking back my ass crack was always hanging out. I was constantly pulling the jeans up, tightening my belts, or buying super long tank tops to cover it up (hence the drawer full). Luckily, these days pretty much ever jean brand from the super cheap to the very high end have jeans in every waist height (low rise, high waisted, etc). Now, the tricky part is getting the waistline AND the butt to fit right. *Sigh*

Five signs your dog loves you

These days, it's difficult to know whether your dog truly loves you, or whether he's just hanging around for the free cheese cubes and access to the toilet bowl water. It's a scary thought: What if your dog's just not that into you? We think it's important for you to recognize the signs of true puppy love.

Your dog loves you? Here's how to tell:

1. He's not hung up on your appearance:
You get the feeling your dog's up for cuddling, regardless of what you're wearing, when you last showered, or how foul your morning breath is. He doesn't care that you're still sporting sneakers from 1983 or notice that you haven't combed your hair in six months. Gain 20 pounds? No problem. That's just more of you to love.
2. He takes an interest in what you're doing:
You're frying bacon and he acts like it's the most fascinating thing he's ever seen. Or you're preparing a pizza and he becomes more rapt with each slice of mozzarella you position. If you feel his eyes on you, even when you're simply making a peanut buttersandwich, you can count on this dog to be mesmerized by your every move.
3. He bristles when you talk about others:
Do his hackles come up when you mention Rover or Sparky? What about at the dog park - does it seem like it's impossible to pet another pup without You Know Who wriggling in between? Do you sometimes find the photo of Coco face down on your nightstand, even though theSpaniel died when you were eleven? We're just sayin'...
4. He returns your calls:
We all have friends who call and call and call their dogs before they get a response. Frankly, it's a little uncomfortable for everyone. It's like the more they bellow, "Mr. Snuggles, come here" the deeper into the bushes the dog disappears. Ask yourself, when youcall your dog, does he quickly bound to your side? Or does he seem annoyed and give you that I need more space look?
5. His tail wags to the right:
According to a 2007 study by two Italian veterinarians and one neuroscientist, the direction your dog wags his tail says a lot about how he's feeling. If he wags to his right, you're probably the human of his dreams. To his left, and it may be he's just not that into you. Come on, could we make this stuff up?
Oh, and one signal that shouldn't be analyzed, scrutinized, or otherwise taken for anything more than face value: He humpsyour leg. This behavior indicates little, besides a willingness to publicly embarrass you in front of your in-laws. And yeah, we went there.

Back-to-School Wellness Kit

Back-to-School Wellness Kit
Kids get off the school bus each day carrying more germs than homework—and they immediately share those bugs with the rest of the household. This semester, get high marks in natural remedies with a back-to-school wellness kit.

So what should you have on hand? The solutions are simpler than you might think. "You don't usually need big guns," says Karen Koffler, M.D., director of integrative medicine at Evanston Northwestern Healthcare in Evanston, Ill. "For day-to-day ailments, home remedies are often adequate." Koffler and other experts offer these suggestions:

To avoid days of lying in bed buried in Kleenex, invest in Emer'gen-C, a powdered energy boost that has 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C per single-serving packet. Mix a packet with a cup of water three times a day (your immune system works better when you're hydrated) at the first hint of a cold, Koffler advises.

To clear a stuffy nose, try a saline solution (1/2 teaspoon of sea salt in a cup of warm water). Add the solution to a spouted Neti Pot (, tilt your head forward and to the side, pour the water into your upper nostril, and let it drain out through your lower nostril. Blow your nose and repeat on the opposite side. "The saline flushes out bacteria and viruses that inflame the membranes," Koffler explains. "If you get to the inflammation early, you can prevent it from progressing."

Many experts continue to recommend echinacea, despite its mixed reviews. (A 2005 study funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that 900 mg of echinacea per day didn't affect colds--critics say the dose was too low--while a 2005 Canadian investigation showed that the herb improved immune responses.) Montreal naturopathic doctor Stephanie Ogura, N.D., prescribes 3,000 mg of echinacea a day, the dose suggested by the World Health Organization and the Canadian Natural Health Products Directorate. "However, if you are not better within a week, consult a doctor," Ogura says. "And do not take echinacea for more than two or three weeks at a time." She advises checking with a health professional or a health-food store you trust to find a reputable manufacturer who uses a standardized formula.

Woodson Merrell, M.D., director of integrative medicine at Beth Israel Continuum Center for Health & Healing in New York, recommends Esberitox, a chewable mixed-herbal tablet that contains more modest amounts of echinacea. Take three tablets three times a day.

How to Stop Procrastinating

Recently, I’ve been following a simple rule that is helping me crush procrastination and making it easier for me to stick to good habits at the same time.
I want to share it with you today so that you can try it out and see how it works in your life.
The best part? It’s a simple strategy that couldn’t be easier to use.
Here’s what you need to know…

How to Stop Procrastinating With the “2–Minute Rule”

I call this little strategy the “2–Minute Rule” and the goal is to make it easier for you to get started on the things you should be doing.
Here’s the deal…
Most of the tasks that you procrastinate on aren’t actually difficult to do — you have the talent and skills to accomplish them — you just avoid starting them for one reason or another.
The 2–Minute Rule overcomes procrastination and laziness by making it so easy to start taking action that you can’t say no.
There are two parts to the 2–Minute Rule…
Part 1 — If it takes less than two minutes, then do it now.
Part I comes from David Allen’s bestselling book, Getting Things Done.
It’s surprising how many things we put off that we could get done in two minutes or less. For example, washing your dishes immediately after your meal, tossing the laundry in the washing machine, taking out the garbage, cleaning up clutter, sending that email, and so on.
If a task takes less than two minutes to complete, then follow the rule and do it right now.
Part 2 — When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.
Can all of your goals be accomplished in less than two minutes? Obviously not.
But, every goal can be started in 2 minutes or less. And that’s the purpose behind this little rule.
It might sound like this strategy is too basic for your grand life goals, but I beg to differ. It works for any goal because of one simple reason: the physics of real life.

The Physics of Real Life

As Sir Isaac Newton taught us a long time ago, objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion. This is just as true for humans as it is for falling apples.
The 2–Minute Rule works for big goals as well as small goals because of the inertia of life. Once you start doing something, it’s easier to continue doing it. I love the 2–Minute Rule because it embraces the idea that all sorts of good things happen once you get started.
Want to become a better writer? Just write one sentence (2–Minute Rule), and you’ll often find yourself writing for an hour.
Want to eat healthier? Just eat one piece of fruit (2–Minute Rule), and you’ll often find yourself inspired to make a healthy salad as well.
Want to make reading a habit? Just read the first page of a new book (2–Minute Rule), and before you know it, the first three chapters have flown by.
Want to run three times a week? Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, just get your running shoes on and get out the door (2–Minute Rule), and you’ll end up putting mileage on your legs instead of popcorn in your stomach.
The most important part of any new habit is getting started — not just the first time, but each time. It’s not about performance, it’s about consistently taking action. In many ways, getting started is more important than succeeding. This is especially true in the beginning because there will be plenty of time to improve your performance later on.
The 2–Minute Rule isn’t about the results you achieve, but rather about the process of actually doing the work. It works really well for people who believe that the system is more important than the goal. The focus is on taking action and letting things flow from there.

Try It Now

I can’t guarantee whether or not the 2–Minute Rule will work for you. But, I can guarantee that it will never work if you never try it.
The problem with most articles you read, podcasts you listen to, or videos you watch is that you consume the information but never put it into practice.
I want this article to be different. I want you to actually use this information, right now.
What’s something you can do that will take you less than two minutes? Do it right now.
Anyone can spare the next 120 seconds. Use this time to get one thing done. Go.

The Get Happy Herb Guide

The Get Happy Herb Guide
Need a pick-me-up? Reach for one of these natural mood lifters. 
STINGING NETTLE (Urtica dioica)
Stinging nettle made its rep as an anti-allergy herb. But it’s also a terrific energizer for women, says Susun Weed, master herbalist and author of the Wise Woman Herbal book series (Ash Tree Publishing). “If you touch the wild stinging nettle plant, you will feel a shock—and that electricity and energy is available to us when we drink nettle infusion,” says Weed. The benefits, she explains, are nearly endless: Nettle restores and rebuilds the adrenal glands, tonifies the kidneys, rebuilds the pancreas and stabilizes blood sugar. Plus, it’s a terrific source for basic nutrients. “One quart of nettle infusion contains about 1,000 milligrams of calcium, in addition to lavish amounts of vitamins A, B, D, E and K,” says Weed.
DRINK as an infusion for best results. To make it, add 1 ounce of dried nettle leaf to a quart jar and fill to the brim with boiling water. Screw on the lid and let the mixture steep for four hours. Strain, squeezing the herb to extract any liquid, and drink throughout the day, hot or cold.
GOTU KOLA (Centella asiatica)
Let’s face it: It’s hard to be happy when you can’t think straight. According to Sheila Kingsbury, N.D., R.H., chairwoman of the Botanical Medicine Department at Bastyr University in Seattle, the solution for inner muddle is gotu kola. “It’s terrific for mood because it improves the flow of oxygen to the brain, making you feel awake and stimulated without feeling wired.” It’s also a go-to herb for stress, helping to regulate adrenal hormones and keep blood sugar in check, Kingsbury says. “I use it for anyone who is down because they’ve been overworked or under too much stress for too long,” she explains. It’s a great choice for hormone-induced funkiness, too. Kingsbury frequently recommends it to girls and boys who are having a rocky go of adolescence. (Note: Despite having kola in the name, the herb contains no caffeine.)
TAKE one teaspoon of the herb in glycerite form three times a day. Take for at least four weeks for best results—or continue indefinitely.

Morning Yoga

Kneel on all fours with your knees separated and aligned under your hips and your wrists under your shoulders. Gently pull your belly in and draw your shoulders back so your spine forms a straight line from head to hips. As you inhale, extend your spine by lifting your breastbone forward and up and tipping your sitting bones (those at the base of your seat) upward. 

Healthy Holiday Habits

6 Healthy Holiday Habits
We are an accumulation of habits. In fact, you need some of your daily habits to survive. Unfortunately, a few (or more) habits can be destructive and can limit your success and happiness.

As we know, the holidays can be more stressful, distracting, and indulgent than any other time of year. How can we keep the bad habits at bay during the holidays? How can we develop new practices now that will serve us throughout the whole year? Here are some tips:

Habit #1: Sampling every item on the holiday buffet table. It all looks so delicious and after all, we’ve been good all year!
New practice: Size up the table. Examine all that is offered. Check in with your body and ask, ”What is it that I really want?” Allow yourself to choose three or four items. Savor those. Then stay as far away from the table as possible. Remember, the first bite is the best bite!

Habit #2: Drinking more, partying more because “it’s the holidays, and I deserve to have fun and splurge.” Not saying “no” to yourself and unconsciously drinking with others.
New practice: It’s ok to enjoy. This is a wonderful time to socialize with friends and family. In order to have more control, decide BEFORE you go to the party how much you plan to drink. Do this by asking yourself, “What is my limit? How do I want to feel the next day?” A good way to enjoy and pace yourself is to have a sparkling water with lemon in between each cocktail. This will not only keep you hydrated but will slow you down.

Habit #3: Forgoing exercise in lieu of shopping and attending parties.
New practice: This is the time you need exercise the most! Do at least 20-30 minutes of some exercise activity daily or 5 times per week. It can be your regular workout but a bit shorter (at least you got it in!), jumping rope for 10-15 minutes, parking your car far away from the store, or dancing in your home to some festive music. Mark your calendar with what you plan to do, that way it will be on your schedule. Exercise will help with the additional stress, manage your hunger, and burn off those extra calories.

Healing Herbs for Women

ShutterstockManaging the monthly cycle of hormonal ups and downs drives many to reach routinely for ibuprofen, antidepressants, sleeping pills and other drugs. And we’re just talking about the husbands. But for generations, women have been turning to the plant world for nontoxic, natural remedies for common complaints. It’s time we went back to basics and revisited those simple cures, urges Rosemary Gladstar, founder of Sage Mountain Herb Center in Barre, Vt. Given the stratospheric price of health care and the stresses of modern life, herbs are more relevant than ever, she says: “Treating yourself with home remedies is the easiest, least invasive and oftentimes most effective treatment.” Learn your cramp bark from your feverfew with this essential guide.

4 Possible Reasons You Aren't Meeting Your Weight Loss Goals

Fotolia_59277811_XS.jpgWeight loss does not necessarily need to be a mystery. Deteriming a weight loss regimen that is right for you is a matter of personal choice.  There are numerous studies that show that diet andexercise have been proven to help in the reduction of weight.  Diet and exercise alone may prove to be helpful but have you ever wondered why it is so difficult for you to take off those unwanted pounds you have been carrying around?

Here are four potential reasons why people put on weight or have a difficult time with taking off the weight.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these.

1. Stress: Added stress in our life may cause you to overeat or eat the wrong types of food which may cause our body to store those extra calories as a means of self-preservation. By reducing the amount of stress in your life you may find some of those unwanted pounds melt away.  Determining what causes your stress will help you determine a plan to reduce or eliminate stress from your life.  

2. Boredom: Are you bored with your life, your routine, your job, your relationship, yourself? People have a tendency to overeat, eat the wrong types of food and at the wrong times of day when they are bored.  Maybe it is time to shake things up, make some changes in your life and start a new routine.  Many fear what change may bring, others look for the opportunity in trying something new.  Look for ways that will wake up your senses and break any habit or routine that may be causing you to overeat.

3. Sadness: Chances are that if you are bored with life you may also not be happy with what is happening in your life and that too may be a cause as to why you keep the weight on. The state of being unhappy may lead to you not being motivated to change or you may find it difficult to change. One solution I have found which brings me a great deal of happiness and that I highly recommend is take time to love and serve others.  Random acts of kindness, thinking of the needs of others, focusing outside ourself may bring you some peace and happiness. What is going to bring you happiness and what is stopping you from achieving you deserve?

4. Genetics: Some people are predisposed to carrying a little extra weight around.  Biology, our parents, their parents, our siblings, heredity plays a part in how we look and how we carry our weight. It’s OK for some of us to be carrying a few extra pounds. Our culture implies that we all need to be fit and thin, that is not necessarily true for all of us.  I believe it is more important that you are comfortable with your weight and you have consciously made a decision of what is the right weight for you.

Here are three goal setting tips that may help you lose those unwanted pounds.

One, set a goal and understand why you want to lose weight. You may want to lose weight but do you know why you want to lose the weight?  What do you hope to gain from losing those extra pounds? Get clear on what you want and write it down.

Two, identify habits or addictions of any kind that you want to break. Make a list of all the things in your life that you believe you would like to change.  It is important to identify the areas of your life you would like to change before change can begin.

Three, identify new habits you would like in your life.  Make a list of behaviors, attributes, attitudes or goals you have for yourself. Write them down, be very clear, and make sure you have a way of monitoring your progress.

5 Healthy-Living Secrets

5 Healthy-Living Secrets
The secret to cover star Kourtney Kardashian’s glowy skin, slim body and grounded smile? (Besides stellar genes, that is!) It’s her beloved Ayurvedic yoga therapist, Leila Johnson, who practices in New York City. We caught up with Johnson about the simple health habits she teaches every client to weave into every day.
1. Cool the mind and body.
In warm weather especially, it’s easy for the body’s pitta, a fiery, go-go-go energy, to flare out of balance. The result: stress-y moments and hair-trigger frustration. “To counteract that, slow down and try doing less,” Johnson advises. Skip a few chaturangas in yoga class and momentarily put work aside to stroll in the moonlight (a cooling energy) or roam by a body of water (ditto). To chill the body from the inside, reach for bitter greens and steer clear of spicy, pungent or sour foods, which are like “logs on the fire” for pitta. “Often, just stepping back and doing less will give the pitta space to come into balance,” she says.

2. Cook only what you need.
“One of the quickest ways to create better health and a cleaner system is to stop eating leftovers,” Johnson says. “Going from hot cooking to a cold fridge to the microwave creates bacteria, which challenges the digestive system.” When you can, put a 24-hour expiration date on dishes you’ve whipped up (say, enjoying last night’s turkey meatloaf for lunch), or prepare small batches of simple, stupidly easy meals, like asparagus bisque or Indian summer salad.

3. Head to bed by 10 p.m.
Yes, every night! “I know it’s hard, but your central nervous system will thank and reward you for it,” Johnson says. Turning in early gives your body time to heal. You’ll have fewer food cravings in the daytime, “and you won’t have to reach for caffeine and sugar to keep you going,” she says.

4. Eat light at night!
“As the sun sets, so does your metabolism,” Johnson says. She avoids raw fruits and veggies in the evening, instead favoring soft, warm foods, like chicken salad with seared chard or kale. “This makes less work for your body, so it has more energy to heal and rejuvenate and restore vitality while you sleep,” she adds.

5. Bring your mood up first.
“Often, we go to yoga or call a friend or head to a certain restaurant in the hopes that the action will make us feel better,” Johnson says. “But a key element and a faster way to get where we want to go emotionally is to better our feelings first, and then take action.” If you notice your mood flagging, hit pause and dedicate a few seconds to raising your spirits, she says: Meditate, breathe deeply or even take a nap. “When you shift your vibration into a more positive state, and then take action, it’s amazing how the day unfolds with ease and grace,” she says. “When I work with Kourtney, it’s about feeling good and bettering her relationship with herself. I’m just the cheerleader!”


I like to advocate a natural, non-surgical approach to looking good and improving the skin, ensuring that our treatments work in harmony with appropriate nutrition and lifestyle, so my tips are based on an integrated, holistic and more natural approach to aesthetic medicine. It’s not about a quick injection here or there, but a more thorough approach for better results.
1. Exfoliate – Removing the top layer of dead skin cells instantly brightens the complexion. You can use a simple facial scrub or peel off mask at home, but intensive exfoliation at a professional clinic (using a chemical peel or microdermabrasion) will go deeper and also stimulate the skin’s renewal mechanisms, helping to smooth out fine lines.
2. Stop smoking – skin will improve within days as the oxygen supply is increased. Stopping smoking has a wide range of well publicised health benefits and you know it’s good for you. It isn’t easy, but the NHS produces lots of helpful information, advice and support. If you’re struggling, consider hypnotherapy, which has excellent outcomes in helping smokers to quit.
3. Tackle the eye area – for patients struggling with signs of tiredness, improving the dark circles and opening up the eye area is far more beneficial than targeting frown lines on the forehead. The Eyedealise treatment at ClinicBe is an exclusive combination of treatments to revitalise the eyes.
4. Nutrition – Making big dietary changes to a healthy lifestyle is fabulous, but in reality it’s hard to achieve and maintain when you are stressed and tired. Instead, start with a few simple changes that you can manage - switch chocolate fixes for fruit, swap crisps for nuts, have a salad every day instead of a sandwich for lunch. These simple changes are a great way to get started.
5. Dermal roller treatment – a professional Dermaroller micro-needling treatment in the clinic is a fantastic way to stimulate the skin and kick-start collagen production, but where costs and time are prohibitive, home dermal rollers are a good investment, as they can be used more regularly. Ensure that you get one from a reputable supplier that has been designed for DIY use.
6. Get Outdoors – Take time out of your busy schedule to get outside, even if it’s only a walk round the block at lunch. If you can get to an open ‘green’ area, such as a park, it’s a great way to reconnect with nature. You’ll be breathing fresher air, letting your mind recharge and return to work feeling more relaxed. Daily exposure to the sun will also give a healthy glow, but ALWAYS use a high protection sunscreen e.g. Heliocare SPF50+, which can be applied in the morning under makeup.
7. Daily Routine – get your cleansing and moisturising routine nailed and check you are using the best products for your skin. Consider a daily exfoliating skin wash, such as the Neo Strata Skin Active Exfoliating Wash which lightly exfoliates without over-drying, so that skin can absorb moisturiser or serum.
8. Hydration – many patients suffer from dry skin due to lack of hydration – we can literally see it in the skin. At ClinicBe, we offer all patients Kangen alkalised water, which is the purest way to hydrate and offers a range of health benefits. Reducing caffeine and soft drinks in favour of water will give clearer and healthier skin.
9. Facials – a proper facial by a qualified cosmetologist is a perfect fix for improving the skin. Taking out 30 minutes for a treat is invaluable.
10. Sleep – too many adults don’t get enough sleep. Stress and busy social lives often mean not getting to bed early enough, while young children that wake in the night are an additional challenge. Sleep is a complex issue, but try to understand the problems and face them, whether it’s sleep-training a toddler, cutting out use of tablets and smartphones after 9pm or getting a new mattress, sorting out your sleep will give massive benefits to how you look and feel.

Cat Scratch Fever

Cat Scratch Fever
To stop your feline from using your couch for manicures, you need to get him or her interested in a scratching post or pad.
Pick the right scratch device. For horizontal scratchers (cats that stay on all fours and scratch across a level surface), try a pad made of corrugated cardboard, which felines like because it’s rough like the bark of a tree. It also massages the paws. Many brands contain catnip to further entice your feline. Check out the SmartyKat SuperScratcher (made from recycled cardboard and organically grown catnip) at most pet stores. For vertical scratchers (cats that stand on hind legs and scratch up high), choose a tall and stable post covered in carpet (available at most pet stores) or roughtextured sisal fabric (it stands up to heavy use; go to or solid cedar (the most natural choice; see
Train your cat to use it. Place the scratching device near where your cat normally scratches. You might have to pick him or her up and indicate where to swipe when he or she eyes the couch. Once your cat gets accustomed to it, gradually move the post or pad to your designated “scratching area.” Before long—about one to two weeks on average—your cat will learn where to go when the itch to scratch strikes. If your cat ignores the post and continues to use the couch, patiently, firmly, and consistently remind him or her of the acceptable place for scratching. Harsher tactics like spraying your cat with water can backfire and create a more defiant or fearful pet.
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What Does Your Eye Colour Say About You?

What Does Your Eye Colour Say About You?
They say that your eyes are the window to your soul, but new research has found that the colour of your eyes might actually be the window to your health. So how is that possible?
A number of studies have found that the colour of our eyes affect how we feel pain, how well we can hold our drink and even our skill level when it comes to sport and hobbies.
Carried out at Pittsburgh University, the study found that women with lighter coloured eyes experienced less pain during childbirth compared to those with darker eyes, while the women with lighter eyes were also able to tolerate more alcohol. But don't run to buy contact lenses, these differences boil down to one thing: your genes.
A senior lecturer in biomolecular sciences at Liverpool John Moores University has explained that eye colour is based on 12 to 13 individual variations in genes, and these genes also affect other parts of the body.
Take melanin, for example. This chemical not only makes eyes darker but also makes people more susceptible to alcohol. Not to worry though, according to scientists people with darker eyes also have increased reaction time, so they're generally better at fast-moving sports.
And people with lighter eyes? Well the University of Louisville found that the slower reaction times in lighter eyed people helped with activities that require more planning, so although you have no excuse next time you study, you also have a wonderful reason to get down the golf club when you're in need of some physical activity!

Things My Husband and I Do Daily to Stay Happy

My marriage is one of those things that are the most precious for me and that bring sense into my life. I’m strongly convinced that relationship between spouses is like a plant which needs daily care and attention in order to stay alive and fresh. That’s why we should always nurture our relationship and increase the power of our love, no matter how long we have been living with our significant other.
My husband and I have been married for 3 years, and during this short period of time I have clearly understood a few things that really matter to my family life and which make it stronger and happier. Those are our hard work, patience and mutual desire to have a successful marriage. I should say that love alone is not enough for a happy marriage, especially when you have to go through hard times that are waiting for you after the honeymoon.
Now I see that our understanding, support and respect to each other can work wonders. I’ve found out that to be happy and feel satisfied with my husband I need to follow some simple rules every day. With the help of the following things that my husband and I do daily, we manage to stay happy and feel like we’ve just married.
Things My Husband and I Do Daily to Stay Happy

1. We say compliments to each other

Regular compliments are one of the most effective ways to show our appreciation to those we love. Unfortunately, lots of couples simply forget to do that after their wedding. However, I try to use any chance to praise my husband whenever he does something well, even if it is a small thing like making a cup of coffee for me or washing dishes after the dinner. In his turn, my loved one always tells me how beautiful I look in my new dress and how much he enjoys delicious dishes I cook for him.
All these compliments create positive atmosphere in our relationship promoting us to feel appreciated and loved. As a result, our marriage is filled up with freshness and excitement we experienced while dating. Keep in mind that daily compliments are an indispensable part of the perfect and long lasting relationship.

2. We express our love in different ways

By expressing our love in various small ways we energize and refresh our marriage. Do you remember how often you told the words of love to your sweetheart before getting married? Certainly, you did that dozens of times a day. I think now, when you’ve lived some years with your spouse, nothing prevents you from saying those magic words at every possible opportunity.
Perhaps somebody may find it ridiculous but I can’t even count how many times my husband and I say “I love you” to each other during the day. Surely, telling your love is not the only way to show your partner how much you care about him. There is a variety of little things that you can do to express your affection and make your significant other happy. When my husband kisses me, hugs me or does something pleasant for me, there is no need to tell any words as I can feel all his love and tenderness. Personally I always kiss my beloved before he leaves for work and give him a massage when he gets home. These are the best signs of my love that bring him happiness and satisfaction. If we love someone, we shouldn’t restrict our feelings but tell about them as often as possible.

3. We share household chores

Family life is extremely busy because we have to go to work and cope with a tremendous amount of household chores that are waiting for us at home. But when should we relax and enjoy with our families? It is considered that all the housework is exclusively a woman’s responsibility, however, I’m convinced that both spouses should take part in the household running equally.
It would be great if we did at least something to make our partner’s day easier. Actually, the list of the tasks to do is endless. For instance, my husband usually buys some foods, like bread or milk on his way home in the evening and I really appreciate this small help. Whenever he sees I’m completely exhausted after my working day, he may also wash the dishes and clean the kitchen in order to lighten the load for me. By doing this he shows me his affection and appreciation.
Moreover, we made it a habit to do some chores together. Cooking is my favorite one since it gives me a perfect opportunity to spend an unforgettable time with my sweetheart. Cooking together creates more love, connection and intimacy in my relationship. Once a week we have a romantic dinner with the candles lit on the table and the television off. This habit builds an intimate and deep connection between us.

4. We communicate with each other

In my opinion, constant communication is the basic key to a happy marriage. No matter what you speak about, you simply need to share your thoughts, ideas and problems with your spouse. My husband and I have no secrets and forbidden subjects to talk about. I can discuss everything with my husband, including family budget, menu for the dinner or our plans for the weekend. It’s not difficult to ask your spouse how was his/her day and this simple question will express your interest and care about him/her. Even small talks help us to understand each other better and avoid conflicts that may harm our marriage.

5. We reconnect throughout the day

Taking into account the fact that we have busy schedules, it may be rather problematic to stay connected with those we love in the course of the day. But if you want to keep your marriage strong and happy, you will allocate time to reconnect with your spouse by all means.
I think nothing can be better than getting a spontaneous message from my husband when I’m at work. His tender words of love always cheer me up and inspire me to carry out even the most difficult tasks. Every lunch break I send sweet and flirty texts to my husband like “I love you”, “I miss you” or “I can’t wait to see you.” My husband never forgets to give me a call on the way home. All these things assist us to keep in touch throughout the day and focus on our relationship. You may discover plenty of other ways to reconnect with your loved one, just bear in mind that you need to be creative.

6. We stay romantic and give presents

Romance is a crucial part of a happy marriage, so we should remember to show romantic gestures to our spouses to enhance our happiness. My husband and I never let the stress and turmoil of daily life get in the way of having romance in our relationship. We don’t need any special occasion to give presents to each other or make surprises. I love to get gifts from my beloved without any reason. At such moments I feel that I’m important and special to him.
Giving a gift to the one you love is one of the most efficient ways to express your affection. It doesn’t mean you have to buy only expensive jewelry or perfume for your spouse. It will be even more pleasurable for him/her to get something that you’ve made yourself.
I should admit that my husband is a very romantic person and that is one of the reasons I love him so much. He regularly surprises me with flowers on my bed in the morning, delicious dinner or relaxing bubble bath. There is a wide range of romantic ideas. The main rule is to practice them often to make your marriage thrive.
You can be sure that all the things and family habits I’ve mentioned above are really worth doing as they helped me to create a blissful relationship with my spouse. Within the 3 years of our marriage we’ve experienced everything: happy moments, misunderstandings and quarrels. But we still love each other as much as we did while dating.
The major rule I’ve learned from my family life is to keep the burning fire between the two of us, support and love each other whatever happens. Only this way we can stay happy in our marriage. What do you do daily to strengthen your relationship with the one you love?

9 Things Men Notice First about Women

Have you ever wondered about the things guys notice first about girls? Well, ladies, men are not so difficult to understand since they are actually straight-forward so it can be easy to find out what things guys notice first by watching them carefully each time they meet a woman. Check out a few interesting and even surprising things men notice first about women.
Things Men Notice First about a Woman

1. Smile

A beautiful smile is one of the things most men notice first in a woman. Smiling woman is considered to be much more attractive and approachable. She sends the signal of happiness and optimism. Thus, it’s much easier to start a conversation with a smiling woman. I know it’s not so surprising since everyone likes to look at a person with a beautiful smile. But men always feel confident and more masculine with a smiling woman. Moreover, smile is a very contagious thing: when you smile to someone it provokes the smile in return.
Numerous studies have proved that smile stimulates more positive reaction. When a man first meets a woman, he notices her nice and genuine smile. So, smile more often since you never know who may be falling in love with your beautiful smile. However, make sure your smile isn’t artificial. You should smile only when you feel like smiling. The true sign of a sincere and natural smile is typical wrinkles around our eyes. Moreover, all our appearance shows that we are happy and satisfied. Practice in front of a mirror to find out your most charming and magnificent smile to make him fall in love with you.

2. Eyes

Another common thing men notice first about a woman is her eyes. I’m sure you’ve heard that the eyes are the windows to your soul. They can tell us a lot about a person. It can be easy to find out if someone is lying to you or simply telling the truth. Eyes are real magnets that can attract and interest a stranger. Surveys have shown that nearly 70 % of men pay attention to woman’s eyes first and only then to everything else. Don’t believe that it’s chest that men firstly pay attention to! It’s always easier for men to compliment woman’s eyes since women respond very approvingly to compliments about their eyes rather than other parts of the body.
There is also another stereotype that men like women with large childish eyes. I would tell that correct make up will do the trick! Mascara, eye liner and nude shades will make your eyes more appealing! If you want to attract him, try to keep eye contact for a few seconds. This way, you will clearly understand if there are any chances to continue with your acquaintance.

3. Hair

Sure, men notice a woman’s beautiful and healthy hair. Trust me, all those hours spent in the hairdresser’s chair are not in vain. Most guys think that a stylish, healthy, shiny and sleek hair is a sign of health and youth. Also, you need to know that most men like to be with a woman with natural and soft hair that smells good too.
Although most men like a long hair on women, I know many women who wear bold colors and short hair cuts, and they look really awesome! I think men are just afraid of everything that looks unusual and striking. If you feel confident with your hair, don’t change it. Wear any color and length you like, but make sure your hairstyle suits you.

4. Weight

Weight is one of those things most men notice about women. It may sound shallow, but it actually makes sense. You’ve probably heard that men prefer women with curves, but you still catch evaluating glances on your thighs and legs. These glances can make you doubt that you’re beautiful. But, he’s not judging you, he’s just noticing.
If you are starving yourself to death in order to be skinny, you can breathe with relief and quit it! Studies show that not all guys like skinny girls. So find your comfortable healthy weight and stick to it. Stop dieting! Eat healthy food, exercise and you will never have to bother about your weight. If he doesn’t like your body shape, don’t take it too personal. After all, a true love knows no barriers. If your crush doesn’t like your weight and he says it to you, he doesn’t deserve your time.

5. Chest

Perhaps you think that chest is the first thing guys notice when they meet a woman. But, you are wrong; guys are not as superficial as many women think. Numerous polls and surveys have shown that men notice a woman’s chest only after her smile and her eyes. Breasts are usually considered to be a sign of youth and fertility, and it’s one of the reasons why most men pay attention to woman’s chest. However, tastes differ. What is beautiful for one man is uninviting for another. Thus, do not worry about your breasts. Just wear appropriate underwear, and consider doing weight-lifting exercises.

6. How fake are you?

How fake are you
Men also notice how fake women are. If you have hair extensions, fake eyelashes and nails, he will definitely notice it. For most men, fake means high maintenance and large expense. While fake eyelashes might draw his eye, he won’t like them. If you want to get the guy you like, make sure you look natural. Learn to conceal your drawbacks and show your beauty without looking like a doll. Choose light foundations, nude shades and pink blushes. Instead of hair extensions, opt for a good quality volume shampoo and volume styling products.

7. Legs

Okay, it is not a surprise for you, I know. Most men love slim legs and this is another thing they notice about women. In summertime legs are one of the greatest attractions that a woman possesses. Calves are another thing men love about our legs. They love the way our legs look in skirt and shorts. They love the way we cross our legs and they love to admire our knees. Despite the wide-spread stereotype about slim girls, men really love strong hips! They give a signal of your fertility and femininity.
If you don’t have long legs, don’t worry. Make sure you provide your legs with good treatment and any guy will notice them. I moisturize my legs each day and take care of my pedicure every other week. I don’t have long legs, but my partner says that my legs are more beautiful than long ones.

8. Skin

Most men also pay attention to the way a woman’s skin looks. Numerous surveys have showed that a man sees a good complexion as a sure sign of health. Most men think that a woman with a healthy-looking complexion is healthy and she can produce healthy offspring.
In order to attract a man, your skin should be soft and smooth. Always cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin in the morning and before bed. Never sleep with your makeup on and don’t forget about exfoliating. Moreover, make sure you get enough sleep and reduce your stress levels.