The 5 Most Common Meditation Techniques


Vipassana Meditation

What is it: Vipassana is an ancient technique, famous for the silent retreats where people go away for 10 days and meditate 12 hours a day without any talking in between sittings.
Where does it come from: It’s believed to be the style of mediation that Buddha used, and is said to be the basis for all forms of meditation.
How does it work: Sitting with the back upright in a lotus or similar posture, one maintains awareness of all sensations.
Recommended practice time: After returning from the retreat, you “sit” twice each day for an hour
How to you learn it: Most practitioners start by attending a three, ten or ninety-day residential retreat.
Cost: Free, but you’re invited to volunteer or make a donation at the conclusion of the retreat.
What do you get: Lodging, meals, instruction, and an undisturbed environment in which to sit in meditation.
Verdict: For diehards and monk-types, Vipassana is one of the more challenging styles – the meditation equivalent of running a marathon. It’s perhaps easier to do in a retreat setting than in the real world, and the cost is not really “free” if you factor in the 10 days of missed work while you’re away meditating. But you’ll benefit with consistency.

Transcendental Meditation

What is it: Transcendental Meditation is advertised as a “householder’s” meditation style. It grew in popularity in the 60’s after the Beatles learned it, and is renown for being easy to practice.
Where does it come from: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi revived it from an ancient Indian tradition.
How does it work: The meditator uses a mantra that is designed to initiate the experience of going beyond thoughts.
What’s the practice time: 20 minutes, twice each day
How do you learn it: You contact  to find a teacher, and they invite you to an info session, where you meet the teacher in person and register for a 4-day training.
What’s the cost: A one-time fee of $1500, but you can pay in installments. There are also student rates and scholarships available.
What do you get: Personalized instruction (including your mantra) and a lifetime of free follow-up support. Hundreds of published studies have been shown to prove its effectiveness.
Verdict: If Howard Stern can do it, so can you. This is one of the easiest meditation styles with the ancient tradition in tact. The upfront price is steep, but it’s worth it if you factor in the value of having a lifetime of free follow-up support. Excellent return on your investment if you maintain consistency.

Vedic Meditation

(Full Disclosure: I practice this style)
What is it: Vedic Meditation is a popular “householder’s” meditation technique that has spread mainly through word-of-mouth. If you live in NY or LA, you probably know someone who knows someone who’s learned it.
Where does it come from: Vedic meditation means meditation from the Vedic tradition of India.
How does it work: While sitting comfortably, you use a mantra assigned by your teacher to induce a deep state of mental and physical relaxation.
What’s the practice time: 20 minutes, twice a day
How do you learn it: You must attend a free Info Session to meet the teacher, and there you register for a 4-session course usually conducted over 4 days.
What’s the cost: Varies, but most US teachers ask for a one-time sliding-scale contribution based on weekly earnings (with a minimum of around $500).
What do you get: Comprehensive instruction and a lifetime of free follow-up support with access to regular group meditations and community events.
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Verdict: For people serious about taking all of the guess work out of meditation and becoming self-sufficient. This style is as easy as they come. Practice times are short, and comfortable back support is recommended. Not to mention, the quality of support rivals the Genius Bar at the Apple store. If you can find a teacher in your area, this practice will revolutionize your life.

Primordial Sound Meditation

What is it: PSM is another technique which utilizes mantras for going deep in meditation.
Where does it come from: It was developed by Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon, based on the principles of transcending techniques.
How does it work: You receive a personal mantra (based on your birth date) that triggers a relaxing state in meditation
What’s the practice time: 30 minutes, twice daily
How do you learn it: You can learn through a certified teacher located through the Chopra Center.
What’s the cost: Around $375.
What do you get: Personalized instruction along with course materials from the Chopra Center.
More info:
Verdict: The instruction is less comprehensive than VM or TM, but valuable nonetheless, and the recommended 30-minute practice time may prove to be a little long for most people. Deepak fans already know that he has a great way of making esoteric practices like meditation accessible to the masses, so if you try it out and stick with it, you will benefit greatly.

Mindfulness Meditation

What is it: One of the most popular techniques nowadays, mindfulness meditation invites the practitioner to stop, breathe, observe, and connect with their inner experience.
Where does it come from: Mindfulness is rooted in Buddhist tradition.
How does it work: Similar in technique to Vipassanna, the mindfulness mediator sits erect while opening the eyes at a half lid, focusing a few inches in front of the nose. Monitoring the breath is also key to the technique.
What’s the practice time: Varies with experience but usually around 15 minutes.
How do you learn it: You can enroll in a six-week MAP (Mindfulness Awareness Practice) class or learn online.
What’s the cost: Class prices are anywhere from free to $185 per class in an 8-class series. The cheaper classes are usually lead by other students.
What do you get: Group instruction and free drop-in meditations.
Verdict: The popularity and research on the benefits of mindfulness speaks for itself. As a technique, mindfulness is not as easy to practice as TM or VM, but adjustments to your posture are allowed for added comfort, and since meditation is a long-term investment, the pay/donate-as-you-go model may add up to a sizable cost after a while.

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